The holidays are over, but another very special season is right around the corner: Spring Cleaning! Nothing feels better than a good deep clean, but we tend to forget the hidden spaces and places we don't see, but they need some attention, too! Our founder, Max Kater breaks down the most forgotten places in your home, and how to tackle them for a truly deep clean (that feels better already)!
Here's How to Do It:
When it comes to cleaning, it’s often an out of sight, out of mind situation. I like to hit those high spots with a lambswool duster about once every month or so, but honestly, even every couple of months is fine. It’s more about lowering the overall dust and dander count and keeping the indoor air fresh and healthy.
And while you’ve got the ladder out, this is a great time to clean the light fixtures and dust ceiling fans. I use a lambswool duster covered with an old sock to get the tops of the blades to get the major dust off first (turn the sock inside out to trap it) and then take another pass with just the duster to finish. Done!
Once or twice a year, I take down my light shades (this is best done with a friend as a two-man job), lay them on an old towel in the sink, and gently wash them by hand and drying completely before putting them back up. To keep them dust-free in between, I'm all about a quick whisk with a natural/sustainable duster. The ostrich is great for gently dislodging dust from fragile objects like books, picture frames, and plants and the lambswool is a zero-waste version of those synthetic disposable ones that never break down. I’ll admit that a huge part of their charm is their looks. They are so pretty I leave them out on a hook for impromptu touch-ups whenever the mood strikes!
The Air You Breathe
Vents and Air Filters. Do you know that burning dust smell you get when you turn on the heating for the first time? I used to love that smell as it signaled Autumn for me. But do you know what that smell really is? Dust heating up! Now, more than ever, it’s important to think about your indoor air quality. Take a pass with your duster to dislodge the surface dust on the vents weekly, but if it's been a while, you'll have to break out the vacuum cleaner brush attachment!
High Touch Areas
Yes, we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, which means I’m cleaning all the surfaces more often. At the end of each day, I grab a bottle of All-Purpose Cleaner and an old dishtowel, and go around the house, wiping down the high touch areas like fridge and cabinet handles, light switches, doorknobs, and TV remotes, to keep the bacteria count at bay. I’ve also started a habit of wiping down my phone with a little spritz of Glass Cleaner at night! And always have a bottle of Bathroom Cleaner on top of the toilet tank to encourage good bathroom behavior (like a quick post-spray-and wipe-of the seat and handle). Helps to clear the air, too!
Go Low
If you’ve ever looked under the sofa or behind your bed, you know it’s probably a dust bunny farm down there. It’s not just the look of it that’s gross, but inhaling that dust (and dust mite poo) can trigger allergies and asthma attacks. That alone is motivation enough for me to keep it clean. Don’t forget to vacuum or dust the undersides of the furniture too. That’s big cobweb territory.
Don’t forget your baseboards! These are pretty easy, highly visible and usually ignored. A great job for kids! Just spray an old washcloth with Floor Cleaner and wipe them down. It makes a big difference to the look, feel (and the air quality) of your rooms.
Vacuum Cleaner Bags & Canisters
Those need cleaning, too! All of your cleaning tools get dirty, so you have to clean them after each use to avoid spreading the dirt around. When was the last time you took a good long look at your vacuum, mop, or scrubbing brushes? Check them out and spray and wipe with All-Purpose Cleaner or wash them with Dish Soap.
If the air returning to the system isn't filtered to trap dust and pollen particles, they will simply blowback into the living space. There are all types of filters, from very expensive HEPA filters to inexpensive mesh. Whatever type you use, they must be changed or cleaned to be effective. You'll breathe easier and have less dust on everything.
Of course, you empty the debris cup or toss out the disposable bag in your vacuum. But the cup should be washed and cleaned thoroughly every month or so. Most can be washed in hot, soapy water and allowed to air dry. There are probably filters that should be washed or changed as well. Snap some dishwashing gloves on, check the rotary bars and brushes and remove any tangled strings or hair. You'll get better cleaning results and less dust!
All mop heads, sponges, and scrubbing brushes should be cleaned with hot water and dish soap after every use. Kitchen sponges can harbor and spread dangerous bacteria if not handled properly and changed regularly.
Now go clean your electric toothbrush, please. It’s gross.
xx, mlk